Privacy Policy

Who are “We”?

When we say “we”, “us”, “our”, or “Universal Air” in this document, we’re talking about Universal Air Charter and Management Ltd (C70071).

We handle your personal information to manage your flights and our relationship with you.

Who Controls Your Information?

For managing your flights and our relationship

That’s us, Universal Air Charter and Management Ltd (C70071).

For safety and flight operations

That’s us too, Universal Air Charter and Management Ltd (C70071).

Sharing Your Information Within Our Company

We may share your information within our companies. This helps us manage our relationship with you and ensure your flights and any other products you’ve bought from us are handled smoothly.

Booking Through Another Company

If you book a Universal Air flight through a different company, like a travel agent or an online travel site, they control your personal information for booking purposes. Their privacy policy will tell you how they use your information. However, for everything about actually flying with us, Universal Air is in charge. We’ll use your information according to this privacy policy for all flight-related matters.


At Universal Air, we deeply value your privacy and are committed to keeping your personal data safe. We understand the trust you place in us when you share your information, and we don’t take that lightly. Below, we outline how we protect your data from unauthorised access or any potential harm.

How We Keep Your Data Safe


We use secure encryption to protect your information both when it’s stored and when it’s being sent. This makes sure only those who are supposed to can access your data.

Limited Access

Only employees who need to see your personal data to do their jobs get access. We have strict controls and security measures to prevent unauthorised access.

Keeping Our Network Safe

We have firewalls and systems to detect anyone trying to access our network without permission. We’re always watching and ready to act to keep your data safe.

Handling Your Data with Care

We only collect what we need and make sure to remove or anonymise information when it’s not necessary to keep it.

Our Team’s Efforts


Everyone at our organisation is trained on the importance of privacy and knows how to keep your data secure.

Policies and Practices

We regularly update our privacy policies to stay in line with new laws and best practices.

Choosing Our Partners Wisely

We work only with trusted vendors and make sure they meet our privacy standards to keep your data safe.

Always Getting Better

The world of information security is always changing, and so are we. We’re constantly updating our practices to stay ahead of any potential threats. We also work with security experts to check our defenses and fix any weaknesses.

Our Promise to You

Your trust means everything to us. At Universal Air we’re dedicated to protecting your data with the highest privacy and security standards. If you have any questions about how we protect your data or want to know more about your personal data, feel free to reach out to us at

We’re committed to looking after your personal data and ensuring it remains confidential, secure, and available whenever you need it.

A Step by Step Guide

We value the safety of your data and there are a few easy steps you can take to help keep your information secure, especially your booking information, passwords, and Universal Air account details:

Create a Strong Password for Your Universal Air Account

Make sure your password is hard to guess and unique just for this account. Don’t share your password with anyone. If you think someone else might have used your password without your permission, please change it right away.

Use Different Passwords

Try not to use the same password for your Universal Air account as you do for other accounts. Using different passwords helps keep your data safe if one of your accounts is compromised.

Be Cautious with Emails and Texts

If you get an email or text that seems odd or suspicious, claiming to be from Universal Air, it’s best not to respond or click on any links. This includes messages about:

Bookings you don’t recognise,
Emails that look like they’re from us but something feels off,
Offers for free flights that seem too good to be true.

Your Data Protection Rights

You have certain rights when it comes to your personal data, and we want to make sure you feel empowered to use them. Data protection laws are there to help you control your personal information. If you ever have questions about your rights or how to use them, we’re here to help. Contact us any time at

We want to make sure you know how you can keep your personal information with Universal Air safe and understand your rights:

Knowing and Accessing Your Data
You have the right to know if we have your personal data, and if we do, you can ask for a copy of it.

Moving Your Data
You can ask for some of your personal data in a format that’s easy to move and use elsewhere. For example, you could get details of your flight history like booking numbers, flight dates, and destinations.

Updating Your Information
If you spot any mistakes in the information we have about you, or if it’s incomplete, you can ask us to fix or fill it in. Often, you can update your details yourself by logging into your Universal Air account.

Deleting Your Data
We keep your personal data mainly to meet legal requirements and to help you when you travel with us. But, if there’s data we have that’s not needed for these reasons, and you’d like us to delete it, just let us know. This includes if we’ve used your data for marketing and you no longer want us to.

Limiting Use of Your Data
In some situations, you might want us to keep your data but stop using it. For example, if it’s needed for legal reasons. Just tell us, and we’ll make it happen.

Saying No to Data Use
If you don’t agree with how we’re using your data, you can ask us to stop. We always try to balance our business needs with your rights to make sure we’re using your data fairly.

Withdrawing Your Permission
If you’ve given us permission to use your data in a specific way, you can take back that permission any time by getting in touch with our data protection team. Email us at

Saying No to Automated Decisions
You have the right to object to decisions made about you by computers alone. If you’re not happy with an automated decision, you can ask for a human to review it.

Making a Request About Your Data
If you want to ask about your data, our form helps us find your information quickly. You’ll need to provide:

Your name and any email addresses you’ve used with us.
Details about the data or help you’re asking for.
A copy of your photo ID to protect your data.
If you’re asking for someone else, we’ll need their permission too.
Once we have everything we need, we aim to respond within a month, as the law requires.

Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions about your data or if something doesn’t seem right, you can reach out directly to our Data Protection Officer: Email:

We might need to check who you are before we can help out.

Not happy with how we handle your data? You have the right to complain to your local data protection authority. If you’re in Malta, you can contact the ICO, or if you’re in another EU country, you can find your authority on the European Data Protection Board’s website

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that we store on your device (like your computer or smartphone) when you visit the Universal Air website. They’re our digital memory aids, helping us remember your preferences and actions on our site to make your visits smoother and more personalised.

Why We Use Cookies

We use cookies at Universal Air for a few key reasons, all aimed at enhancing your experience and providing services tailored to your interests:

Personalising Your Experience

Cookies help us show you more of what you like. If you often look at flights to specific destinations, we might highlight similar locations or special deals related to those interests.

Tailored Advertising

Noticed how ads seem to know what you’ve been searching for? That’s cookies in action. We use them to present ads that are more relevant to you, improving the chances you’ll find our offers helpful and interesting.

Understanding Our Visitors

Cookies give us valuable insights into how you and others use our site. This information helps us improve your browsing experience, making sure you can find what you’re looking for easily and quickly.

Your Privacy and Cookies

We understand that privacy is important. While cookies are safe and can’t install anything on your device, they do collect information about your browsing habits. We want you to know that respecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal data is a priority for us. You’re always in control of the cookies we store and use.

Managing Your Cookies

You have the power over the cookies on your device. Most web browsers allow you to:

View the cookies stored on your device.
Delete all or some cookies.
Block or allow cookies for all or specific websites.
Adjusting your cookie settings can help you balance between a customised experience on our site and your privacy preferences.

Our Promise

At Universal Air, our goal is to make your online experience as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible. Cookies help us do that by remembering your preferences, showing you relevant content and offers, and understanding how we can serve you better.

We’re committed to using cookies responsibly and ensuring your visit to our website is both enjoyable and secure. If you have any questions about how we use cookies or about your privacy, please feel free to get in touch.

A Simple Guide to Managing Your Cookies

Managing cookies might sound techy, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. Here’s a simple guide to help you control your online cookie jar, keeping your browsing experience just how you like it.

What Are Cookies Again?

Quick recap: cookies are tiny text files websites put on your device to remember your preferences. They make your online visits smoother and more personalised.

Why Manage Cookies?
While cookies are great for a tailored web experience, you might want to manage them for privacy reasons or to clear out those you no longer need. Here’s how you can do it:

Check Your Browser Settings
Every web browser (like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or Edge) has settings for managing cookies. Here’s the general idea:

Find the Settings or Options menu in your browser.

Look for the Privacy or Security section. That’s where you’ll usually find cookie settings.

Choose how you want to handle cookies. You can delete them, refuse them except for certain sites, or block them altogether.

Clearing Cookies
Want to start fresh? Clearing your cookies can do just that. Remember, this will log you out of most websites and might reset some of your preferences.


Go to your browser’s Privacy or Security settings.
Find the option to clear browsing data or history. Make sure to select ‘cookies’ or ‘cookies and other site data’.
Choose the time range. You can clear everything or just the cookies from the last hour, day, etc.

Blocking Cookies
If you’d rather not have cookies stored on your device, you can set your browser to block them:

In your browser’s cookie settings, look for an option to block cookies.
Decide if you want to block all cookies or just third-party cookies (these are usually the ones used for advertising).

Managing Cookies Site by Site
Some browsers let you manage cookies on a site-by-site basis. This means you can allow cookies for websites you trust and block them for others.

Look for a ‘manage exceptions’ or ‘site settings’ option in your browser’s cookie settings.

Add the websites you want to allow or block.


Managing cookies is all about finding the right balance for you. Want a personalised web experience? Allow some cookies. Prefer more privacy? Limit them. It’s your call!


We hope this guide helps you feel more in control of your online experience. Happy browsing!